
Quitting Alcohol: Benefits of Quitting Drinking

Overall, high-risk drinkers are more likely to benefit from abstinence because alcohol is causing more health problems in their lives than it causes in the lives of responsible drinkers. But anyone can benefit from sobriety because the potential benefits of alcohol don’t outweigh its known harms and risks. Many people don’t notice that alcohol is impacting other parts of their life. They may not realize that they’re spending less time with friends or family because they’re recovering from a hangover.

benefits of quitting alcohol

You may become angry or impulsive, which might have caused some friends or family to pull away from you over time. When you stop drinking alcohol, you’re likely to see your relationships improve, and you’ll have the chance to build them even stronger. Not drinking may sound like no fun to people teetering on the edge of alcoholism. It may sound downright impossible for those who have a substance use disorder. But quitting drinking is possible, and the benefits to your body when you stop drinking are vast.

This contributes to the unpleasant symptoms people experience during hangovers. Furthermore, alcohol acts as a diuretic, meaning it increases urine output and, therefore, water and electrolyte output. Since alcohol can damage your cells, it may lead to DNA changes that increase your risk for certain cancers, particularly liver, colon, and rectal cancer. In fact, alcohol use accounts for 6 percent of all cancers and 4 percent of all cancer deaths in the U.S. It may make you feel drowsy and fall asleep quickly—but later in the night it messes with your sleep patterns as it works through your system. Since alcohol is a depressant, it can throw your sleep cycle off balance by slowing down your nervous system.

Encouragement from family, friends, and others you trust can be an invaluable source of strength as you make this change in your life. When you quit drinking you can refocus your attention on repairing these relationships without the barrier of alcohol. Very often the people in your life — friends, family, co-workers — are affected by your drinking in ways you might not even realize.

Over time, the brain can actually get used to the effects of alcohol, causing it to work harder and cause unpleasant or even dangerous withdrawal symptoms like tremors and heart palpitations. Heavy drinking is linked to a greater likelihood of developing many chronic health conditions. By quitting drinking, you’ll lower your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, fatty liver, pancreatitis, and several types of cancer.

Treatment for Chronic Pain and Addiction

A recent study by the University of Hong Kongfound that overall mental health improves when participants quit drinking, especially women. When you quit drinking, you can objectively look at why this habit started in the first place, and you are better able to develop healthier ways to cope with life’s stressors. After eliminating alcohol, you may notice you are calmer and less irritable, and better equipped to handle family conflict or mental health issues.

Although we often turn to a glass of wine or a stiff martini to feel better, the irony is that drinking can have both short- and long-term negative effects on mood. Since alcohol floods the brain with dopamine, which influences how we feel pleasure, the “rush” of this feel-good chemical can cause anxiety to flare up as soon the levels begin to drop. Over time, this can turn into a detrimental cycle of drinking, feeling anxious, and then drinking more to reinstate a feeling of calm. That’s why alcohol consumption can lead to reduced mood, increased anxiety, and even depression. “There’s a high correlation between alcohol use disorder and other mental disorders, including depression and anxiety,” Dr. McGrath explains.

Heavy alcohol usage has been linked to memory loss and increasing difficulties in focusing and remembering even recent events. In some cases, a person could experience a kind of permanent memory loss. With heavy alcohol usage, both short-term and long-term memory loss is possible. However, choosing to quit drinking can prove to be a great move to keep your liver healthy.

Josh Lee is a clinician and researcher with a focus on medication-assisted treatment of alcohol and opioid use disorders. He has conducted multiple clinical trials examining the use of naltrexone in primary care and other community settings. As a practicing physician, Josh helps manage eco sober house boston the NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue addiction medicine clinic in adult primary care. You must decide this for yourself, ideally in consultation with a healthcare provider who can advise you on the best path forward given your personal drinking history and your current health.

Drinking alcohol puts you at a higher risk for some forms ofcancer, including head and neck cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer and colorectal cancer. Experts have speculated several reasons why this may be, but many believe that alcohol harms the antibodies that protect our bodies from tumor cells. The Dry January campaign was started in 2012 byAlcohol Change UK.Participants pledge to take a 31-day break from consuming alcohol. In 2013, 4,000 people took the pledge, but it has grown to over 6.5 million people in 2021. Participants, some of whom are celebrities, have been vocal about the benefits of taking a month-long break from alcohol.

benefits of quitting alcohol

Nevertheless, professional alcohol misuse treatment is no guarantee that recovery will be a walk in the park. In fact, part of the reason that quitting alcohol is so difficult is due to changes and interactions that occur in the brain when it interacts with alcohol. From financial troubles to maintaining healthy relationships, alcohol can negatively impact diverse areas in a person’s life.

When you know you’re going to be in situations where alcohol is served, be prepared in advance to be clear in your resolve to politely decline the offer of a drink. If you spend an average of $100 a week on alcohol, you’ll save more than $5,000 a year when you give up drinking. Many people who give up alcohol report improvement in their overall ability to focus and say that they have more energy compared to when they drank. Drinking in excess can lead to disruption of the Rapid Eye Movement stage of sleep.

One reason for this is that your dopamine levels normalize after going sober. When you abuse alcohol, your brain’s dopamine receptors get overloaded and numbed, leading to feelings of sadness and even hopelessness that takes more and more alcohol to “fix.” Unless you’ve replaced the empty calories of alcoholic drinks with another indulgent food, you’ve probably cut 2000 calories by the second week’s end. You may find your scale reading a pound or two lighter than before. At the end of 48 hours, a lot of people may get discouraged because they don’t see any results of not drinking — besides no hangovers and remembering what happened the night before.

Lower Cancer Risk

Here are some significant ways not drinking for 30 days or more can impact your body, mind, and overall health. The euphoria that first comes with a drink or two is short-lived. Often people drink to get relief from depression, but they are really making the situation worse.

  • Not drinking can resolve these unsightly skin conditions, such as eczema, hives, psoriasis, or simply itchy skin.
  • Alcohol depletes essential vitamins, such as vitamins B6 and A, which are essential for brain health and other important functions.
  • On the more positive side, your body will gradually become healthier when you stop drinking.
  • Some people struggling with AUD might find they are closing themselves off from others and pushing other people away.

The Association for Addiction Professionals represents the professional interests of more than 100,000 addiction-focused health care professionals in the United States, Canada and abroad. The Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations evaluates quality of care provided by healthcare organizations. https://sober-house.net/ Footprints has the Gold Seal of Approval, which is the highest standard. Preventing REM sleep – Dreams occur in REM sleep, and it’s when you consolidate memories. A glass of regular beer has about 150 calories, and a serving of wine has about 120. On top of those mostly empty calories, alcohol ramps up your appetite.

Lower Your Blood Pressure

Some types of dementia, such as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome has been connected with long-term heavy alcohol use. However, generally a person must be consuming 21 or more drinks a week for four years or more to experience long-term memory loss. Memory loss is a condition that will progress the longer a person has used alcohol in excess. The calories from alcohol that the body processes are stored as sugar before being converted to fat.

Over time, heavy drinking can cloud your perception of distances and volumes, or slow and impair your motor skills. It can even make it harder for you to read other people’s emotions. But if you quit, your brain seems to be able to regain some of these abilities. You might think that a regular glass of red wine or other alcoholic beverages might be good for your heart. If you use more than that, cutting back or quitting may lower your blood pressure, levels of fat called triglycerides, and chances of heart failure. There is a strong connection between alcohol consumption and overall digestive health.

benefits of quitting alcohol

As people begin to realize that the amount of alcohol they are consuming seems excessive, they might become anxious and fearful of having an alcohol addiction. Although supportive relationships with family and friends are very helpful to those struggling with an addiction, many individuals feel ashamed and push away their close relations. Because alcohol is a depressant, it slows down the body’s systems. This means it also slows down how nerves communicate with one another, including in a part of the brain called the hippocampus. The hippocampus is responsible for helping create and store memories. When alcohol slows the process down, short-term memory loss can occur.

Stimulant Drugs: Strongest to Weakest

When a person drinks large quantities of alcohol, the liver is not able to process the alcohol fast enough. As a result, high levels of acetaldehyde accumulate and damage tissue all over the body including the liver, pancreas, and even the brain. This leads to an increased risk of developing cancer later on in life. It also increases the risk of developing a liver disease such as cirrhosis, which may end in liver failure or death.

But the regular binge drinking and heavy drinking that often accompany alcohol addiction can cause long-term damage that lowers your quality of life. Drinking this way increases your chances of developing numerous alcohol-related diseases. Quitting alcohol has a long list of positive impacts on physical health. When a person drinks alcohol, it puts a strain on the body – especially the liver. In addition, drinking alcohol increases the risk of developing liver disease, cancer, and neurological dysfunction. In addition to physical side effects, alcohol can cause several mental health problems.

Decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease

Start by talking to any doctors, nurses, or therapists you may already be seeing. Talking with an addiction therapist or medical specialist can assist you in your goal to stop drinking. This could mean attending a support group specifically for people with alcohol issues like Alcoholics Anonymous . But it could also be helpful to make new social contacts based around an interest such as a sport, the arts, or other activities you enjoy. Researchers have found that alcohol disrupts normal immune system function, weakening the body’s ability to fight off infections. Because alcohol is a sedative, it may help you to initially fall asleep at night.

They’re clearer, more present, healthier, happier people, and they’re enjoying life more. If you are a heavy drinker, the body can at first go into shock when you suddenly stop ingesting alcohol, causingalcohol withdrawal symptoms. This withdrawal period occurs because the body has become dependent on the chemicals from alcohol and has adjusted its processes to accommodate the added alcohol intake. It is not recommended to detox from alcohol at home, as alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be deadly among heavy drinkers. Alcohol also suppresses the immune system, which is why those who abuse alcohol are at a much greater risk of contracting illnesses and other potentially deadly conditions.

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